Campbell Scientific® manufactures various dataloggers and offers a comprehensive proprietary software suite named “LoggerNet”® that allows to program and manage the dataloggers and to retrieve and manipulate the data taken. However, LoggerNet runs under Microsoft ® Windows® and is mostly made for interactive use in a graphical user interface. Proprietary software for Linux exists, too, but is sold at extra cost and seems to have a minimal user base.

A typical scientific workflow requires software that is easy to handle in a scripted environment. Usual taks are converting between table-oriented binary (TOB1) and table-oriented ASCII (TOA5) formats, as well as splitting, merging or re-patritioning of TOA5 files.


The tools

tob-to-toa5 converts binary tob3 into ascii-based toa5
split-toa5 allows (re-)slicing or concatenation of one or mutiple toa5 data files
toa5-deduplicate removes duplicate lines from a selection of toa5-files
toa5-to-nc converts toa5 into a NetCDF file

The programs are developed under GNU Fortran and split-toa5 comes with an optional simple-to-use graphical user interface written in Python.

Binaries are available as binary packages for current Debian and ubuntu Linux distributions or as tar.gz file for manual installation.


Getting the software

Due to German legislation, the rights of use belong to the employer,

  • i.e. to the University. I am currently trying to receive consent to release totools under GPL, EUPL or a similar open-source license.

For the time being, you may, approach me, if you have or plan to start some sort of research cooperation with my university, which allows me to share totools to you.
